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Do you need help improving your students' Grammar or Punctuation?
Try These:

Standards Based Grammar...

Standards Based Grammar Cover a daily grammar program that systematically teaches your students every grammar skill required at each grade level. The purpose of Standards Based Grammar is to give the students the spoken and written rules of the English language in an easy, step-by-step program.

Each book of this series is powerful enough to be a daily program, yet affordable enough to purchase for each individual unit. Available in Grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7-8, and Homeschool.

Click a button below for grade level specific information:

Standards Based Grammar Cover 2

Standards Based Grammar: Consumables

Save time, money, and wear on your copy machine. Consumables for Standards Based Grammar will also help students keep track of their work for quick review of all grammar standards required for your grade level. Available for Grades 3 through 6 and a Grades 7 – 8 edition. (Minimum purchase of 3 unless purchased with a teacher's edition.)

Click the book cover for more information. Click here to purchase.

Common Core Based Grammar: Grade 6 Cover

Common Core Based Language: Grade 6

The purpose of this book is to help students learn the 6th grade Common Core State Standards for language and be able to apply these standards within their everyday lives.

Students will complete a variety of activities that help them utilize multiple learning modalities. These lessons and worksheets also incorporate the best practices of education by using Direct Interactive Instruction (DII) as a method of learning the material.  Whether a teacher has been trained in these strategies is not important as many of the worksheets give the teacher a step-by-step guide to help the students master the standards.

Click the book cover for more information. Consumables available.

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